Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stress, Interviews, Poland and the such...

So... interviews a plenty, got called back for a position that would effectively make me GM for the country of Poland, also heading there this Friday to meet with a few people / companies / interview and such. Other than that, I've been thinking about location. I really wouldn't mind staying in Spain post MBA, nor would I mind moving to London. I think moving to Poland may still be a bit early on in my career, and long story short I want to position myself where I will have the most growth potential.

Notwithstanding all these interviews, coupled with the lack of a job, and the constant juggling of responsibilities to make ends meet has me stressed out a bit, which (and I will be honest) is fairly uncommon for me. Regardless, the prospects are good, and hopefully they will culminate in something good as well.

Finally, I’ve decided that I will be ending this here blog when I get a job, or graduate, whichever will be the latter. Hope all is well on everyone’s front, and for all those who read this.



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