Monday, May 21, 2007

I found something

A long long time ago, I wanted to be a writer. Still do actually, I have a book that's about 1/2 finished given my mum hasn't thrown out the pages. It's hand written you know, what a terrible idea that was. But coming back to my previous point, and the title of this post, I found something, and I want to share it with you. I believe I wrote this some time between 1997-1998, wow, almost 10 years ago. Hope you enjoy it.
"The night was now gone forever and the day it had just begun, the sound of the nearby water fountain was like extremely profound perfume that the anxious child wares. Time, it was absolute to them, the Jack Daniels flowing nearly muted by the song of the dawn. They had swarmed together in pity of one another. I saw it all, I tell you. The gaiety and cheer, the dancing and lust in a massive orgy of licentious desire and passion swooned by the irrevocable effects of alcohol. They ride the stallions; exhausted and beguiled by their own savvy acts they stop. So they too feel the hurt and smell the perfume of the fountain. They are going to sleep now, I will join them, a sleep to sleep for ages, perhaps, we will not be woken up. "
- Jacek


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