Tuesday, April 01, 2008

When it rains it pours

MBA done, job secured – where don’t know – but secured. So what’s been happening now? Well, I’ve been getting solicitations for employment left and right. First came one from America – enterprise risk management in NYC, then another from a well established IT/Research group here in Barcelona, then today, a phone call from a headhunter for strategic development in a leading global consultancy in Poland. And as some of you may know, had the interview in Milan with another great company (will take the job if I get the offer me thinks).
So when it rains it pours. On a final note though for all those people looking to pursue MBA’s, I say this – put on Queen’s “Let me Live” think about your future, and see if you really want to get to the top, because the MBA really is a fantastic vehicle for upwards career mobility, and as a final note. Here’s an article form the Spiegel Online.

p.s. I love my MacBook Pro :P


Blogger Miss Cellania said...

Congratulations, Jacek! Man, the time flies by when I'm just here reading your progress. Well done. I hope you will continue blogging wherever you end up!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008  
Blogger ... j said...

haha. Thanks, appreciate it. it few by too fast in my opinion, and notwithstanding best 18 months of my life. Now time to move on. but dont worry, I'll keep on blogging, it is a bit addictive ;)


Thursday, April 10, 2008  

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