Ciao di Milano
Ciao Tutti, e Bienviunto di Milano, plus strange train people and feeling like poop (can you see the exhaustion on my faccia?)
Greetings from Milano, here until late Monday, and then back to BCNa, and to tell you the most utter of truths, the Catalan Capital is much more aesthetically pleasing than Italy’s fashion capital. I even think I wrote about this before, but other than the D’Uomo and the Chiesa next to it, there’ really nothing much to the city on a day to day basis – though - it does look better at 16C rather than 45C.
Anyways, took Malpensa Express to get here today, pull out my laptop and am taking care of some everyday things, and some strange guy just keeps on looking at me, so I acknowledge him, by nodding, and there’s the opener.
“Hi, I’m a pilot, I like to tell people what to do, I’m a type A personality person, you know, a libertarian really, the problem with America these days is people are helping each other instead of being competitive, that’s the reason for today’s economy, and not to mention all the Democrat’s fault. McCain wants to change things a bit, but he’s too weak, you know I don’t pay for gas, I burn coal, those liberals saying it’s global warming, everyone knows it’s cyclical – hate, hate, hate…. “
And the irony behind all this is that while he complained about what is wrong is with America, he in fact was what is wrong with America. Funny.
Finally, feeling like poop. Had another sneezing fit, resulting in a bloody nose yesterday morning, three sneezing fits later, have a sore throat, and totally messed up sleeping schedule. YEY!!!!! I love it.
Finally, someone has been calling me, three times today, but the number is hidden. So I haven't the clue who it is, and feel that it's important, but I can't get back to them - which is annoying.